Domestic, Family & Sexual Violence

Domestic and family violence is when someone who is in a ‘domestic relationship’ with you, including a partner, ex-partner, family member, or housemate, hurts you or makes you feel afraid, powerless, or unsafe.

Sexual violence is being forced, pressured or tricked into doing sexual things when you don’t want to. Sexual violence can be a form of domestic and family violence, but it may also happen outside a current or previous relationship.

Side Cta Leaf
Advancing Women’s Rights

Free legal help for women & non-binary persons

What is domestic and family violence?

Domestic and family violence is when someone in a ‘domestic relationship’ with you hurts you or makes you feel afraid, powerless, or unsafe. It can happen in many different relationships including:

Anyone can experience domestic and family violence – it happens to people of any age, culture, sex, and community.

Types of domestic and family violence can include:

You and your family members have a human right to feel safe and live without fear. When someone perpetrates domestic and family violence, it is the offender’s fault, and they are breaking the law.

You can learn more about domestic violence orders (DVOs) by reading our factsheet here.

What is sexual violence?

Sexual violence is when someone forces, pressures, or tricks another person into doing sexual activities or acts when they don’t want to. Some other words used to describe forms of sexual violence are sexual assault, sexual abuse, and rape.

Sexual violence can be a form of domestic and family violence, but it can also happen outside a current or previous relationship.

It is never okay for anyone to force you to do something that you are not comfortable with, even if you are in a relationship with them or married to them.

There are many different types of sexual violence, but it can include someone:

What is personal violence?

Personal violence is violence the occurs outside of a personal, family, intimate, or housemate relationship, with the violence taking the same forms as domestic and family violence.

Typically, personal violence happens at work, at home between neighbours, or through random acts of violence.

You can learn more about personal violence restraining orders (PVROs) by reading our factsheet here.

Mandatory reporting in the Northern Territory

In the NT, it is the law that you must report domestic and family violence if someone has or is likely to cause serious physical harm to a person, or if you are concerned that a person’s life is under serious or imminent threat – this is known as mandatory reporting.

Mandatory reporting incidents must be reported to the Police. If you fail to make a mandatory report and you should have, you may be charged with an offence. There are important exceptions to mandatory reporting, including where the relevant harm has already been reported, as well as when a person is helping the person at risk to escape the situation before making their report.

When should I get help with domestic, family, and sexual violence?

If you are in immediate danger, you should call Police on 000 or 131 444.

You might want to seek legal help if you answer “yes” to any of the below questions:

Side Cta Leaf
Advancing Women’s Rights

Free legal help for women & non-binary persons

Cta Bg
Advancing Women’s Rights
Free legal help for women & non-binary persons


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