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Terms & Privacy

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Advancing Women’s Rights

Free legal help for women & non-binary persons


The information provided on the TEWLS website is provided for general information only and is not intended to be legal advice and/or a substitute for legal advice. 


The use of the information provided on the TEWLS website is the sole responsibility of the person accessing the website, who must assess the information’s suitability for their individual purposes. TEWLS recommends that you seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer before acting on any of the information provided on this website. 


TEWLS endeavours to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate and up-to-date, however, we do not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information and materials published. In addition, while our website contains links and referrals to other websites, the inclusion of these links and referrals do not imply TEWLS’ endorsement of that website’s privacy policies, practices or content. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the TEWLS website, you should contact TEWLS via our Contact Us page 


TEWLS recognises the importance of, and is committed to, protecting and upholding the privacy and rights of individuals TEWLS deals with in relation to their personal information.

Women who come to TEWLS for help are entitled to the highest standards of confidentiality and privacy in relation to the information provided to us.

Private or personal information is any information that can be used to personally identify a client or somebody using this service and seeking legal advice or assistance.

When collecting, using, disclosing, storing, securing and disposing your personal information, TEWLS adheres to the requirements of the Information Act 2002 (NT) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which includes the Australian Privacy Principles. The Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

TEWLS operates to ensure privacy for clients when we receive sensitive or personal information. TEWLS has an internal Privacy Policy to this effect. TEWLS collects personal information, like your name, address, date of birth, email address, phone and fax numbers, that you consent to giving and stores this information either electronically and/or by paper file. We collect information relevant to providing our services to you, your legal matter and statistical de-identified information for reporting and funding purposes.

TEWLS will always seek your authority ( permission or consent) before releasing and discussing any personal information you have shared, unless a Court order and/or legal professional practice laws require otherwise. When we collect personal information, we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.

TEWLS staff and volunteers are legally required not to disclose information you give to any other person, except to other TEWLS employees and solely for the purpose of providing legal services.

TEWLS also takes reasonable steps to ensure personal information is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

TEWLS takes reasonable steps to ensure that personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, up-to-date and complete and relevant. If you know that the information we have is not up to date or is inaccurate, please advise us as soon as practicable so we can update our records and ensure we can continue to provide quality services to you.

TEWLS staff and volunteers are subject to mandatory reporting of both domestic and family violence and child abuse under Northern Territory law.

Personal information, whether stored electronically or on paper, is kept securely, archived and destroyed after six (6) years by TEWLS. TEWLS will not keep any of your original documents. A client may request access to their own personal information held by TEWLS. This would generally be accommodated, providing release of the information would not infringe on the privacy of another.

Privacy Policy complaints and enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy or a breach of privacy, please contact TEWLS via the below contact information:

Office phone | (08) 8982 3000 or 1800 234 441

Email |

Fax | (08) 8982 3009

Address | 17 Lindsay Street, Darwin NT 0801

(Ground Floor)

Post | GPO Box 1901, Darwin NT 0801


TEWLS note – the Terms and Privacy section covers content that would otherwise be in the Disclaimer, consider nil need for this.

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Advancing Women’s Rights
Free legal help for women & non-binary persons


The TEWLS website has a “quick exit” button in the top right-hand corner of the page.

This button will close the TEWLS website and open the Bureau of Meteorology website. You may need to use this button if you are worried that someone is watching you use the computer or that you have been looking at the TEWLS website.

The “quick exit” button does not delete your browser history. This means that if someone checks your browser history, they will be able to see that you have visited the TEWLS website.


Remember, deleting large parts of your internet history may be dangerous. This is because it may tell someone that you do not want your internet history to be found.

If you need help with online safety and/or technological safety, you can visit the eSafety Commissioner website here or you can call 1800 RESPECT on their 24-hour telephone counselling and support service. If you are in danger, you should call the Police on 000.


If you would like to speak to TEWLS with an interpreter:

You can call TEWLS on 1800 234 441 and ask to speak to us with an interpreter. We can organise this for free. You will need to tell us your name, your phone number and the language that you speak. We will then call you back with an interpreter on the phone.

TEWLS are able to organise interpreters for most languages, including Aboriginal languages and Auslan.


You can also organise for TEWLS to contact you:

To organise for TEWLS to contact you, please complete the form through the Request An Appointment button on the TEWLS home page.


If you would like to listen to the TEWLS website in an
Aboriginal language:

TEWLS has had four Top End Aboriginal languages recorded for this website. You can click the “play” button to listen to these recordings.

The languages that are currently available are:

  • Murrinh-Patha
  • Tiwi
  • Warlpiri
  • Yolngu Matha

If you would like to read the TEWLS website in a language other than English:

The TEWLS website is able to be translated to lots of different languages. To change the language settings, press the “English” button in the top bar of the website and choose the language that you speak.
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